2025 INASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture

We are pleased to announce that the Indiana Chapter of the ASLA is now accepting education session proposals for the 2025 Conference on Landscape Architecture. It will be held Friday, September 5th at Purdue University’s Stewart Center. The Chapter Awards Gala will be the evening prior in West Lafayette.

Theme: This year’s theme is “New Normal: Design in a Changing Environment.” As landscape architects, our profession, the plans we make, spaces we design, and tools we use are impacted by changing climate and social patterns. We invite you to join us at the 2025 INASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture where we will explore strategies for designing landscapes in a changing environment, tour cultural landmarks of West Lafayette, and discuss how both new and historic open spaces must adapt for future conditions. 

If you are interested in presenting, participating in a panel, or hosting a workshop or tour, we encourage you to submit a proposal that includes the following details:

-          Title: Please provide a compelling title for your session in 15 words or less.

-          Marketing Statement: Please provide a one paragraph summary of your presentation to be used in the meeting brochure to identify why attendees should attend your session.

-          Learning Objectives: Please list a minimum of 3 main outcomes that your presentation will highlight to help professionals understand what they will gain by attending this session.

-          Outline: Provide the framework for your presentation. It is understood that details may change, but the fundamental framework should not. The purpose of this segment is to identify how you will communicate your message to the attendees.

-          Speaker Bio: Please provide a one paragraph summary of who will be presenting. Additionally, names and email addresses for all presenters are required. Submittals should be sent to office@inasla.org.

Submissions are due no later than Friday, May 2nd and should be no more than three pages in length. PDF or Word Documents are preferable. Presenters will be notified of their selection by May 16th via email.

Presentations will be evaluated by the following criteria:

-          Relevance to the profession of landscape architecture

-          Clearly stated and achievable learning objectives

-          Timeliness of the topic

-          Subject matter appeal

-          Appropriate audience type and expertise level (intermediate, advanced)

-          Speaker qualifications

Please note: All sessions must be 50 minutes long and non-proprietary. Vendor brands should not appear in the presentation.