If you would like to be more involved in INASLA and don’t know how, here is your chance! We are always on the lookout for people who have a little time to help out and we have quite a few committees to choose from. Spreading the work around makes us a more effective Chapter and allows us to continue providing excellent networking, continuing education, and social events. Scroll below to view the list of committees and email president@inasla.org if you would like to join or have any questions!

Constitution & Bylaws Committee

There shall be a Constitution & Bylaws Committee composed of three (3) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, of whom one (1) shall be the Secretary. The Committee shall prescribe a format for the preparation of sponsored amendments; review proposed amendments for consistency with the Constitution or the Bylaws and assist the sponsor in rectifying any inconsistency; and draft amendments as necessary and appropriate to ensure consistency with the Constitution & Bylaws of the Society.

Nominating Committee

There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of three (3) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, of whom one (1) shall be the Immediate Past President and another shall be an Associate Member. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of two (2) nominees for each chapter office to be filled by election.

Fellows Committee

There shall be a Fellows Committee composed of a minimum of three (3) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, of whom one (1) shall be the Trustee, one (1) shall be a member of the Chapter Executive Committee, and a minimum of one (1) additional appointment by the President. The Fellows Committee shall oversee the Fellows nomination process as outlined in Section 310 of the Bylaws.

Archives Committee

There shall be an Archives Committee composed of a minimum of four (4) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, one (1) of whom shall be the Immediate Past President, and a minimum of two (2) additional appointments by the President. The Archives Committee shall oversee the Chapter Archives and processes for preserving critical Chapter information and documents.

Audit Committee

There shall be an Audit Committee composed of three (3) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, of whom one (1) shall be a Chapter Officer other than the treasurer and two (2) shall be Chapter members other than immediate past or current members of the Executive Committee. The Audit Committee shall perform and annual audit of the Chapter accounts as specified in Section 1105 of the Bylaws and report its findings to the Executive Committee within one-hundred-and-twenty (120) days of the close of the fiscal year.

Tellers Committee

There shall be a Tellers Committee composed of three (3) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, of whom one (1) shall be an Associate Member. The Tellers Committee shall count and verify election ballots and other confidential ballots of the professional membership and Executive Committee of the Chapter. Confidential, written tabulations of ballot results shall be forwarded with the signature of the committee chair to the president and secretary of the Chapter.

Scholarship Committee

There shall be a Scholarship Committee composed of a minimum of three (3) Full or Associate Members of the Chapter, one (1) of whom shall be the Immediate Past President, one (1) of whom shall be a member of the Chapter Executive Committee, and a minimum of one (1) additional appointment by the President. The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee. The Scholarship Committee shall oversee the establishment and execution of the scholarship program.

Advocacy & Government Affairs

The Advocacy & Government Affairs Committee shall include the Chapter Trustee and include at least two (2) additional Chapter members. This Committee serves as the Chapter connection to the political arm of ASLA, and shall work closely with the local and national legislators, advocates, and lobbyists to promote the well-being of the profession of Landscape Architecture. The Committee shall also inform the membership of important government updates and announcements.

Chapter Awards

The Chapter Awards Committee facilitates the annual Professional and Student Awards Program. This includes selecting a sister Chapter to jury the submissions (INASLA will in turn jury the submissions for that Chapter), drafting and distributing the call for submissions, collecting and compiling the responses, collecting jury results, notifying awards recipients, and creating award certificates. In addition, the Committee is responsible for arranging the awards video to be presented at the awards ceremony at or near the annual state conference. Other Chapter Awards include, but are not limited to, the Claire Bennet Legacy Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Chapter Special Recognition Awards.


The Communications Committee maintains all Chapter communications through email blasts, newsletters, website updates, and social media posts. This Committee works closely with almost all other committees to glean information and content to share with the membership.

Membership & Emerging Professionals

The Membership & Emerging Professionals Committee works to foster and maintain the relationship with the Student Chapters at Purdue University and Ball State University. This includes arranging meet & greets, portfolio reviews, critiques, and other student/professional interactions. The Committee shall maintain an ongoing dialogue with each school, through the school-appointed liaison, about how best to serve the students. In addition, the Committee works to engage with new and emerging professionals through various planned events and communications including assistance in preparing for licensure.

Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Committee monitors and submits INASLA-associated CEU (PDH) earning sessions to LA CES for approval. Additionally, committee members track attendance at approved sessions, submit the records to LA CES on behalf of session attendees, and issue CEU (PDH) certificates to attendees. All records are certificates are kept on file in the Chapter’s Basecamp database.


The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for updating and distributing the INASLA Sponsorship Packet to all past and potential sponsors and maintaining open communication with all Chapter sponsors. The Committee will ensure that the sponsors are obtaining all paid-for benefits by working closely with the Communications Committee, the Treasurer, and the various special events Committees.

Special Events Committees

- Annual Golf Outing

- Annual State Conference on Landscape Architecture (CoLA)

- Holiday (or Post-Holiday) Party and Fellows Celebration

- Earth Day Festival (INASLA Booth)